Why you should Vote NO on Measure H - LifeTime Fitness

In this November’s election, you will be asked to vote on Measure H, which would allow Lifetime Fitness to build a 30,500-square-foot commercial gym at The Farm, instead of the smaller club that voters approved in 2020. The Poway City Council has approved the ordinance, pending at least 50 percent voter approval. The ballot measure reads:

GVCA opposes the Measure for the following reasons:

Broken Promises In 2020, Poway voters approved the Farm Specific Plan (Measure P) with a clear vision for the future of their community. This plan included a smaller, community-focused fitness facility to serve local residents. Now, Life Time Fitness, a large, publicly traded company from Minnesota, is seeking to increase the size of the proposed facility to 30,500 square feet. This drastic change undermines the original spirit of the project and strays from what voters approved.

Community Needs The Life Time Fitness proposal does not align with what Poway residents were promised. The Farm was supposed to be a development that balanced residential homes with open space, providing amenities that would benefit the immediate community. Instead, Life Time Fitness aims to serve a much larger population, drawing members from neighboring cities. This regional facility was not part of the original plan, and it doesn’t reflect the community’s needs or desires.

A recent survey conducted by the GVCA asked over 4,000 households in Poway for feedback, and of the 440 respondents, more than 80% opposed this project. The community’s voice is clear—this 30,500 square foot commercial facility does not belong in our neighborhood.

Traffic and Safety Concerns – The proposed Life Time Fitness would bring up to 2,000 members, many from outside Poway, who would access the facility via Goodeve Drive, a narrow, 25 mph residential street. This road is not equipped to handle such an influx of traffic, especially with its limited infrastructure, including a single sidewalk, numerous driveways, and a nearby playground. Safety should be the top priority for our community, and the influx of traffic could pose significant safety risks for residents, especially children.

Neighborhood Impact – Building a 30,500 square-foot commercial facility in a residential neighborhood would be disruptive and harmful. The scale of the facility would create congestion, noise, and other environmental impacts, ultimately diminishing the quality of life for nearby residents. This kind of overdevelopment doesn’t fit the unique character of north Poway or the original intent of The Farm, which was to blend housing with open space, not overwhelm it with commercial activity.

Unintended Consequences – Approving Measure H could set a precedent for future large-scale developments on land zoned for Open Space Recreation. Voting No on Measure H helps protect Poway from overdevelopment and ensures that future projects stay true to the community’s original vision.

Conclusion – For the safety, character, and quality of life of our community, we urge you to Vote No on Measure H. The proposed Life Time Fitness facility is too large, too disruptive, and does not reflect the promises made to Poway residents. Let’s protect the quality of life in Poway and keep our neighborhoods safe and community-focused.